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Understand the Now and Next

Thought leadership at the nexus of technology, governance & the digital content industry.

Case Studies
Abstract Shape

Global Content Rights Clearance

Developed global licensing coverage strategy and operations from scratch during rapid global expansion of leading music and video platforms.


Negotiated complex multi-territorial licensing deals with key rightsholder and DSP for Live, UGC & PGC.

Implemented the first global music rights & repertoire management system, reflecting split rights.


AI & Content Compliance 

Delivered complex and forward-thinking AI copyright, AI

Ethics and Text & Data Mining compliance projects.

Formulated first global compliance playbooks, best

practices and policies for rapid scaling and 

expanding businesses with first time market entrances. 


Pioneering global music licensing & worlds’ first multi-territorial copyrighthub

Leading contributor to the shift to a pan-EU online music licensing and rights management.


Integral part of the JV team that set-up and launched ICE – Europe’s pioneering technology-led global licensing and music data hub.


ICE emerged from a 5-year JV project that transformed European music licensing.


EU Copyright Directive Readiness

Lead European  Copyright Directive implementation and represented the interests of major platforms by leading the dialogue with the European Commission.


Delivered thorough content licensing and scanning strategy for major music & video platforms and news aggregator to avoid platform liability. 


Appearances & Publications

Paper Craft

Hybrid Thinker

Expert generalist, lawyer and specialised advisor in Music, IP, Tech and AI.  Extensive experience in business and strategic planning across the music industry for entertainment platforms and scaling up new ventures – with targeted expertise in the tech and content rights market in EMEA, LATAM, NA, APAC and China


Spezilised knowledge of global rights clearance & monetization models with a strong a focus on Anglo-American, Chinese and European copyright regimes, platform regulation and global policies. Created industry standards for content technology platforms as a Music Rights Expert.

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